The best horseshoes for flip must have the right weight, a ringer breaker, a rear thumb cleat, and a rear gripping area. If you happen to be looking for a flip shoe for a smoother flip-pitching, then we have 10 great options for you to consider!
My personal favorite from the list is the E-Z Flip II Professional Pitching Horseshoes thanks to their excellent flipping performance delivered by the heavy tips.
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Which Flipping Horseshoe To Choose?
So which would be those best horseshoes for flip for horseshoe game improvement?
If you are a newbie, you should probably go for the classic design with a ringer breaker to just try it out. Shoes with a ringer breaker were the Competition Pitching Horseshoes, St. Pierre Horseshoes, and Alan Francis Signature Professional Pitching Horseshoes.
For excellent flip, consider the E-Z Flip II Professional Horseshoes or Bronco Pro-Flip Professional Horseshoes.
For extra grip, you may go for the Challenger Professional shoes, E-Z Flip II Professional Horseshoes, or the Gordon pitching horseshoes.
Top 5 Best Horseshoes For Flip in 2024
10 Best Horseshoes For Flip in 2024
1. Gordon Professional Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Drop-forged steel build
- 2.5-pound weight with-5 gram error (compliant with rules for horseshoes)
- Red powder coating
- No ringer breaker for better grip (but perhaps a higher chance of bounce)
If you are looking for top quality, then the Gordon pitching horseshoes may be those best horseshoes for flip for your needs. These flip shoes feature a heavy-duty drop-forged steel structure along with a red powder coating for rust protection. They are proven to deliver top-notch durability because of their premium carbon steel.
Although expensive, the Gordon professional shoes may be the right choice for those who really know how to play horseshoes. As testified by user reviews, this thing can be a literal game changer!
Moreover, if you take this game seriously and want to make sure you are using proper horseshoes, you have to pick a pair that is sanctioned by the NHPA, like these Gordon Professional horseshoes for flip pitching. Read more reviews.
2. Legend Professional Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Drop-forged steel construction
- Weigh 2.5 pounds with 5-gram error
- Red powder coating
- Recessed ringer breaker area
The Legend professional horseshoes are very similar to the Gordon flip shoes, but they have one key difference – their ringer breaker area is actually recessed. This is perhaps to compensate for the increased bounce chance without forcing you to alter your grip.
In terms of buyer feedback, these pitching horseshoes aren’t that different from the Gordon shoes – both are very highly rated for their quality and longevity. Read more reviews.
3. Challenger Professional Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Durable iron alloy build (though probably not as durable as drop-forged steel)
- Wide rear gripping area with no ringer breaker
- Weighs 2-1/2 pounds
The Challenger professional horseshoes feel much like the two previous flip shoes, but this pair is actually made from iron alloy. This probably means reduced longevity compared to the Legend and Gordon shoes.
Where this thing excels though is gripping area-wide and without a ringer breaker, it allows for better flexibility for gripping positions.
Though the Challenger shoes may not be as durable as Legend and Gordon models, their quality and performance are still highly rated by buyers. Read more reviews.
4. Competition Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Drop-forged steel build
- Red powder coat
- Medium-soft design for bounce resistance
- 2.5-pound weight with 5-gram error
- Ringer breaker for better grip (though this may actually interfere with some people’s grip)
Competition Tournament horseshoe set is very similar to the Legend and Gordon sets, but there are two big differences. First, these pitching horseshoes have a ringer breaker, and secondly, they boast a medium-soft build to resist bounce-off.
What about buyer feedback? Well, with a nearly identical build to the Gordon and Legend sets, Competition Tournament are again praised for excellent quality, so they are again worthy contenders for the title of the best horseshoes for flip. Read more reviews.
5. Cadet Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- 1.5-pound weight with 5-gram error (the lightness may put you at a disadvantage, although it’s still compliant with rules for horseshoes)
- Drop-forged steel
- Blue powder coat
- Soft to resist bounce-back
- No ringer breaker in the back
Notably, the Cadet pitching horseshoes weigh only 1.5 pounds. Although this may put you at a disadvantage, this weight should be great for kids, as well as those who don’t like traditional horseshoes. Even though these horseshoes are ultra-lightweight, they are NHPA sanctioned and are built for competitive play.
Judging by buyer reviews, many people do indeed purchase the Cadet shoes for kids. Besides, some people like how easy it is to throw compared to standard shoes. Moreover, to prove their durability, a one-year warranty is included in your purchase. Read more reviews.
6. E-Z Flip II Professional Horseshoes
(Best Horseshoes For Flip)
Key specs:
- Weigh 2-1/2 pounds
- Durable iron alloy build (though for the price, we’d expect drop-forged steel)
- Wide gripping area
- Short thumb cleat & no ringer breaker
- Extra-heavy tips for better flipping
Up next on our list of the best horseshoes for flip is this horseshoe set from Thoroughbred Horseshoes. As you could have guessed from the name, these shoes are made precisely for flipping. What makes them such are the extra-heavy tips to help with the flipping motion along the entire horseshoe distance.
The result? Perfect balance for flipping, according to buyers! Although Thoroughbred Horseshoes are pretty pricey (especially for iron alloy shoes), they may well be the very best horseshoes for flip available out there. Read more reviews.
7. Mustang Professional Pitching Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Red & blue pair included
- Weighs 2-1/2 pounds
- Iron alloy build (we’d definitely like to see drop-forged steel for the price)
- Slightly recessed ringer breaker area.
- Thumb-centering rear cleat
The Mustang set is also made by Thoroughbred Horseshoes, but it has a different orientation – control. Most notably, these shoes have a thumb-centering rear cleat that should be easy to grab. In fact, the cleat here is claimed to be loved by most flip pitchers!
Although made from iron alloy, Mustang professional pitching shoes have been praised for their top-notch quality. The Mustang is NHPA approved for competitions, just like the other shoes on our list. They come with a two-year warranty. However, they tend to rust and corrode pretty quickly. Read more reviews.
8. Bronco Pro-Flip Professional Horseshoes
The Bronco Pro-Flip is yet another flip-oriented shoe by Thoroughbred Horseshoes. However, unlike the E-Z Flip II, these shoes have lighter tips, which could make this a more versatile set suitable for other horseshoe throwing techniques.
And while relatively inexpensive, the Bronco Pro-Flip shoes have been praised for their great flipping capability, which should be enough for many flip pitchers. Read more reviews.
9. St. Pierre Horseshoes
Key specs:
- Powder-coated steel build
- Weighs 2.5 pounds
- Added weight in the tips
- Has a ringer breaker
- Low-profile cleat for smoother release (albeit maybe with weaker grip)
For flipping, the St. Pierre shoes St. Pierre shoes should be pretty similar to the E-Z Flip II.
St. Pierre shoes also have heavy tips, which could greatly contribute to flipping and general horseshoe throwing. What you may also like about this set is that it’s built from powder-coated steel.
And, of course, like many other shoes in its class, St. Pierre shoes has been highly rated by users, though not everybody liked its design. Read more reviews.
10. Alan Francis Signature Professional Pitching Horseshoes
Finally, if you often miss your throws to bounces, then the Alan Francis shoes may be those best horseshoes for flip. With their extended ringer breaker, these horseshoes are claimed to have reduced the misses of Alan Francis by 25%!
Unfortunately, reviewers aren’t talking much about the breaker performance – you’ll have to test Alan Francis shoes yourself to see whether they indeed have reduced bounce-back. But what the buyers mention is, of course, great build quality! Read more reviews.
Best Horseshoes for Flip – What To Look For
When trying to identify the best horseshoes for flip, you should pay attention to a few things – namely, the ringer breaker, the rear thumb cleat, the shape of the rear gripping area, and the weight of the horseshoe.
Ringer breaker
The ringer breaker is the small ledge on the inner side of the horseshoe curve. The purpose of this part is to cause the horseshoe to spin when it hits the stake. This helps the horseshoe stop bouncing and settle on the stake.
Not every horseshoe for flip has this feature. However, if your horseshoe has one, you may gain a huge advantage since your throws will be less likely to bounce off.
Some people also use the ringer breaker to grip the shoe more securely. This is just a matter of preference though, and you don’t necessarily have to hold the shoe by the breaker.
Rear thumb cleat
The rear thumb cleat is a ledge on top of the horseshoe in its rearmost area. To achieve a good grip, you should grip the cleat with your thumb when casting the horseshoe.
When it comes to the thumb cleat, what matters is its height. Some people like a shallower thumb cleat, while others prefer a more pronounced cleat. This is a matter of preference, so unless you know which style works for you best, don’t obsess over it.
Rear gripping area
Even though horseshoes all have the same basic shape, their gripping area may differ significantly. What mainly differs is the shape of the bend in the back – some horseshoes have narrow curved bends, while the bends of other horseshoes may be straight and noticeably wider. This may matter to some people as well.
Horseshoe weight
Pay attention to the weight of the desired horseshoe as well. You would want to get a heavier shoe since a heavy horseshoe is easier to cast far.
However, if you are intending to compete, your horseshoes should be no heavier than 2 pounds and ten ounces. This is the max weight allowed by the horseshoe rules set by the National Horseshoe Pitching Association. There’s no minimum weight limit, but there’s no reason to go light.
NHPA Sanctioning (Optional)
If you take horseshoes seriously and want to play in tournaments or leagues, then you have to make sure to pick a pair of professional horseshoes that are sanctioned by the National Horseshoe Pitching Association (NHPA). For your information, all horseshoes reviewed in this article have the NHPA’s stamp of approval so you don’t have to worry about that.

How Do You Correctly Throw A Flip Horseshoe?
To help throw a flipping horseshoe accurately and without harming anyone, let us give you a step-by-step guide on how to set up, aim, and flip the horseshoe at the stake:
- Prepare your horseshoes. Preferably, wear horseshoe throwing gloves.
- Set up a 30-40 feet long throwing area with stakes at each end. 40 feet is the standard regular horseshoe distance
- Stand at one of the stakes.
- Now comes the time to prepare for the flip throw. There are many flip grip variations, but with the classic under-hand technique, the shoe is gripped at the bend.
- To properly grip the shoe, place your thumb slightly off-center on the thumb cleat. If you are right-handed, the thumb should be off-center to the right of the cleat.
The knuckles of your other fingers should be below the horseshoe.
Your index finger should be to the right of the ringer breaker, while your middle and ring fingers should be to the left.
The pinkie should be underneath the horseshoe, acting as support to help you stabilize the shoe.
- You now have to assume a comfortable stance for the toss. The proper stance for you will depend on preference, but as a starter, you may try to stand to the left of the stake (to the right if you are left-handed), your feet slightly apart (4-5 inches), toes parallel, and the weight on your right foot. Your shoulders, head, feet, and torso should be in balance. If your balance is off, you won’t make a good throw.
- Pull your shoulder and arm with the horseshoe back as far as you can. Bend your left foot at the toes (right foot for left-handed throwers).
- Bring your right arm forward like a pendulum. As you bring the arm forward, step forward with your left foot. As your left foot is landing, your arm should release the horseshoe, and your right foot should come off the ground and move forward a little.
- Once the horseshoe lands, you will be able to make adjustments for successive shoes. Based on where the shoe has landed, try to make adjustments to your positioning in order to improve horseshoe pitching.

Best Horseshoes for Flip – Final Words
Buying the best horseshoes for flip is, without doubt, a matter of some research. We did our best to include everything you need to know in order to make your decision!
So which are the best horseshoes for flip to meet your needs? As a reminder, our personal favorite was the E-Z Flip II set due to their heavy tips and great flipping performance.
To improve horseshoe pitching further, strongly consider getting a good pair of stakes, as well as horseshoe throwing gloves – these can dramatically change your game as well. Don’t forget to pick gear that is compliant with horseshoe rules! And, if a newbie, don’t forget to learn how to play horseshoes!